Introduction To The Hacker

 In the computing or in the computer field the hacker is an any skilled computer expert uses their technical knowledge to overcome the problem. Hacker can refer to any skilled programmer, the term has become associated with popular culture.

 A good hacker who has very good knowledge in the field of ethical hacking or someone who, with their technical knowledge uses bugs or exploits to break into the computer system and tell the owner of that particular company fix that bug or vulnerability so the bad guy can't misuse them. If the black hat hacker finds the bug or vulnerability before the white hat hacker then the black hat hacker hack into that particular company using that bug or vulnerability and take sensitive data from the database and the company have to suffer from the financial loss

  • Types Of  Hackers

Ethical hackers are classified into different categories like white hat hacker, black hat hacker, grey hat hacker. Also, there are red hat hacker, blue hat hacker, script kiddie, elite hacker, neophyte, hacktivist. I hope some of you have heard about this like(red hat, blue hat etc )

White Hat Hackers

White hat hackers are also known as an ethical hacker. They never intended to harm a system rather they find the vulnerability or bugs in the website or system or server and they report the owner of the company so they fix that weakness which is present in the website or system or in the server

Ethical hacking is not illegal but and it is one most demanding job in the IT field but if you are doing hacking for the illegal purpose than it is crime. Ethical hackers are also known as Penetration Tester. The job of a penetration tester is to find the weakness in the system and report it. The white hacker is given a boundary and has to work on that particular boundary not to cross a boundary

Black Hat Hacker

Blackhat is also known as crackers. Black hat hacker are those who hack into system to gain unauthorized access and harm the system and steal sensitive information like credit card detail, email, password and if black hat hacker can get this type of sensitive information they use it for illegal purpose and also if they get credit card detail then they make a transaction and do online shopping or can do anything with your money.

Blackhat hacking is always illegal because of their bad intention which includes stealing corporate data, violating privacy, crashing the system, damaging the system, blocking network communication, etc. I hope you got it from. Always try to be a white hat hacker because if you are doing illegal hacking and if you trace it out then you will be arrested by the cops and it will spoil your entire carrier.

Grey hat hackers

Grey hat hackers are white hat hacker as well as black hat hacker or we can say grey hat hacker as a blend of both. They hack into the system but they don't have any malicious intent but they hack without the permission of the owner so that is illegal. Their intent is to bring weakness to the attention of the owners and getting appreciation or a little bounty from the owners.

  • Grey hat hackers hack into the system 
  • Just for Fun
  • Show off a friend that I hack this and that etc

Red hat hackers

Red hat hacker is the combination of black hat hacker and white hat hacker.They are usually level of hacking government agencies, top-secret information hubs, and generally anything that falls under the category of sensitive information.

Blue hat hackers

A blue hat hackers are the hackers who is someone outside of the computer security consulting firms who used id for the bug-test and to find the vulnerability to the system prior to its launch.They find the loopholes in the system and then fix it.Microsoft also uses the term blue hat to represent a series of security bringing events.

Elite Hackers

Elite hackers are considered as the innovation and they are advance knowledge about hacking.They can break the edges of computers as well ad networking lines.

Script Kiddie

A script kiddie is a non-expert who has no knowledge that how the system or tools works they are using the tools which are already pre-installed but they can exploit the system by using the readymade tool.


A neophyte, "n00b", "newbie", "Green hat hacker" is someone who is new in the hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology and hacking.


A hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes technology to announces a social, ideological, religious, as a political message.In general, most hacktivism involves website defacement as denial of service attack.


Dron Patel

’Hi I am Dron Patel 3rd year computer engineering student. ’ I am passionate about ethical hacking’ Inspired to make things looks better.

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