What is Wordlist?
The wordlist means it contains a list of passwords to crack/hack the user account or if you want to hack the wifi or if you want crack the hash password. The wordlist is of different types like it contains only numbers or words or a combination of both. Click here to get a huge list of passwords.
So how to generate target based wordlist?
Step:1 You need Linux distro on your PC recommended (Kali Linux)
Step:2: Open Terminal and clone the repository.
Command: git clone https://github.com/Mebus/cupp
Note: If you are using another Linux distro you might then need to install the git first. To install git open the terminal and type Sudo apt-get install git and then hit enter wait for the installation process.
Step:3 Change directory to Cupp
Step:4 After changing it to Cupp directory type command python3 cupp.py -i and then hit enter.
Step:5 Then you need to fill the victim details.
Note: If you don't know the victim partner name or child name or anything else then simply leave it blank and hit enter. It is not necessary to fill all the details.
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